Old Soldiers Never Die…

But sometimes we smell like we have. The guys that flew the helicopters or manned the APCs that picked us up after an operation thought we were a bit niffy, to be sure.

However, another time, another unit, another country. A group of Malaya Vets took part in a commemoration service at the Sarawak Heroes Memorial Park, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia on the 57th anniversary of the signing of the Malaysia-Indonesia Peace Agreement which bought to an end the Indonesia/Malaya conflict (Konfrontasi).

Unless my aged ex-infantry eyes deceive me, the ancient ex infantryman in the red circle is L/Cpl Salisbury, Rex (Retd.) of Kaipara Grey Power. The ‘tache’ is the giveaway. Bet he wasn’t allowed to wear it like that on active service, no amount of greasepaint would camo it. The Indongs would have seen him from 400 metres across the border with that flourishing under his snorer.

The photo is scanned from the December 2023 issue of Veterans’ Affairs Te Tira Ahu Ika A Whiro

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