Kaipara Public Meeting was held: 18 Aug 23

Another interesting speaker at this meeting: Rachel Wansbone, North power General Manager, Customer and Community.

Rachel gave a background of North power, and explained that the company is owned by the North power Trust on behalf of consumers connected to North power’s electricity network in Whangarei and Kaipara districts. Since 1993 the North power Trust has returned almost $100 million to these electricity consumers.

She also explained the various businesses of the Company: Power lines, Optical Fibre Network and Contracting. Northpower has a wide area of expertise in its contracting business including gas, fibre optic cable, electricity transmission and supply.

Rachel also spoke about power saving tips for the home, and about the ease of changing retailers. She recommended using Powerswitch.org.nz to check how much you might save by switching your retailer.

Northpower’s website is here and it is VERY flash and VERY informative, and way more interesting to browse than their neighbour’s to the North (Top Energy.)

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